Art reading competition on the topic «Қандай көркем – туған өлкем» ("How beautiful, my native land!»)

On 30.10.20, in order to promote the works of Kazakh akyns and writers, the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages organized and held a contest of artistic reading among representatives of various ethnic groups on the theme "Kandai korkem – tugan olkem" ("How beautiful, my native land"). The competition was attended by 18 students of SKMA.

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The opening speech was given to Salim Erbol Kaltursynuly, head of the department for social affairs and youth policy of the SKMA. Erbol Kaltursynuly wished the participants good luck, noted that the theme of the native land, the Motherland does not lose its relevance in any era, and it is gratifying to realize that the younger generation, including representatives of other nationalities, cherish the love of our country.

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The participants' performances were evaluated: chief specialist of educational-methodical center of languages of the city Shymkent A.T.Ospanova, the specialist of the department for social affairs and youth policy of the SKMA B.R.Taszhanov, senior teacher of the kazakh language A. T. Abdullabekova.

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By the decision of the jury members were awarded:

I place

Sadullaev Shkurullo - student of the group-STOA-05-20 (the poem by M.Makataev «Otan»);

II place

Hikmatkhanova Dinara-student of the group B-PhPT-06-20, (the poem by N. Zhanakova "Ontustigim – zhyr elim" ),

Abitova Nigora-student of the group B-STOA-05-20 (the poem by Zhumagali Sain "Kabylda, Otan);

III place

Mammadov Adil-student of the group B-STOB-05-20 (the poem by A. Kunanbayuly "Internatta okyp zhur”),

Khan Bogdan-student of the group B-GMOA-10-20 (the poem by K. Amanzholov "Tugan zher" ),

Dursunova Fidan-student of the group B-GMOB-10-20 (the poem by M. Zhumabayev "Tugan zher"),

Mamedova Aleina- student of the group B-GMOB-10-20 (the poem by T. Moldagaliyev "Tugan zherge").

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All participants were given letters of thanks.

04.11.2020, 14:23