April 12 - Science Day!

Every year on April 12, the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Science Workers, which is designed to emphasize the important role of science in society and the need for the participation of the general public in the discussion of emerging scientific issues. This Day also highlights the importance and relevance of science to everyday life.
As part of the Day of Science Workers, a number of the following events are held within the walls of JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy":
On April 3, 2023, the Department of Phthisiopulmonology and Radiology held a scientific and practical conference "Actual Issues of Tuberculosis".
On April 3 and 4, Springer Nature webinars were held on the topics: "Publishing in foreign rating journals: how to avoid predatory journals", "How to prepare and publish a monograph in the Springer Nature publishing house." Speaker: licensed manager for Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan Aleksandrova Irina Alekseevna.
On April 5 and 6, the official representative of Clarivate in the countries of the Central Asian region Kenzhina Inesh Yergazievna held seminars on topics such as “How to choose a journal for publication using Web of Science tools”, “Writing and publishing articles in international journals”.
On April 6, 2023, together with Elsevier, a webinar was held on the topic: "Selecting a relevant topic using Scopus and ScienceDirect". Speaker: Consultant for Central Asia and Azerbaijan, trainer Rabiga Hojamkul.
Department of "Pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology" April 10, 11, 12 held a series of activities to improve the role of pharmacists in the health care system.
On April 12, at the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, the II International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Peculiarities of pneumococcal infection in children and adults” was held, where scientists from different regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan participated.
Also on April 12, in honor of the Day of Science, the Office of Project Management and Commercialization held a training seminar on the topic: "Writing and designing a scientific article."

13.04.2023, 16:14