Application of project-based learning methodology in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Project-based learning (PBL) was implemented in the discipline "Technology of extractive preparations". For the implementation of PBL for the department assigned 2 groups of 4-year educational program "Pharmacy": V-PKA-01-19 and V-PKB-01-19.
The aim of project activities is the students' understanding and application of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the study of the discipline.

The following research topics were divided up for the project-based learning participants:
1. Determination of pharmaco-technological parameters and obtaining infusions from the herb of Achillea biebersteinii;
2. Determination of pharmaco-technological parameters and obtaining infusions from the leaves of Salvia sclarea;
3. Determination of pharmaco-technological parameters and obtaining infusions from the leaves of Water mint;
4. Determination of pharmaco-technological parameters and obtaining infusions from the herb of Origanum vulgare;
5. Determination of pharmaco-technological parameters and obtaining infusions from the herb of Hypericum perforatum;
6. Determination of pharmaco-technological parameters and obtaining infusions from the root of Common dandelion.
On December 14, 2022 a final report of the OTP was held at the Department.

The first stage of the research involved a literature review and a patent search on the topics under study. Various databases such as Scopus, elibrary, Web of science, etc. were used for this purpose.
Taking into account the identified circumstances, the purpose of the study was defined, which is to identify the optimal model of student involvement in the project activities in the university, the implementation of which allows to positively influence the strategic development of the university.
At the second stage, the students determined the pharmaceutical and technological parameters of raw materials for optimal extraction technology to maximize the extraction of BAC: specific weight, bulk weight, porosity, free volume of raw material layer, extractant absorption coefficient, yield of extractive substances.

The introduction of project-based learning in higher education institutions should lead to the following results:
1) students gain the experience of creating a finished product of joint activities with university lecturers and representatives of the enterprise for which it is being developed. It is possible to directly experience the benefits of acquired knowledge and skills;
2) acquisition of professional competences, communication skills, teamwork skills, and the ability to take responsibility for the project implementation. Project development is a time-consuming process consisting of several cycles: planning of the final result, acquisition of knowledge, skills of creating a new product, its manufacturing, checking compliance with certain technical and other requirements. During project development the skills of searching for optimal solutions of arising problems, submission to the discipline of joint activity, and the ability to present the value of the resulting product are formed;
3) preparation of ready specialists for the organisation, with specialists of which the project is being developed. The importance of continuous cooperation between enterprises and organisations and higher education institutions is increased;
4) gaining business contacts and experience in communicating with university partners (project customers).
Thus, involvement of students, including future teachers, in project activities is an essential resource in achieving the goal of higher education - preparing a competitive graduate. The differentiation between project management and project-based learning, however, should be considered as an effective practice for both university development and improvement of the educational process.
The students presented the results of their projects in the form of reports at the meeting of the section "Drug Technology: searches and decisions" of the IX International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Prospects for the development of biology, medicine and Pharmacy", held on December 8-9, 2022.
According to the results of the conference, the report of the student of the group PhKB-01-19 Abdraman Abylai Altynbekovich "Method of extraction of lyophilic extract from the plant of sage nutmeg" was recognized as the best.

22.12.2022, 12:41