Another successful visiting!

Professor Shukirbekova Alma, the head of pharmaceutical disciplines department of “Astana” medical university visited the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological sciences of SKMA in the period of 9.03 – 15.03.2018. 

Professor Shukirbekova is the author of standard curriculums on toxicological chemistry and 3 scientific and technical projects of international and republican importance, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Pharmacy of Kazakhstan”. Also she is the author of textbooks and teaching aids on toxicological chemistry.

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During her stay in the walls of our Academy students and undergraduates were given lectures on the peculiarities of chemical toxicological studies in urgent toxicology and biotransformation of xenobiotics in the human and animal organism. Of interest were lectures on molecular toxicology: the interaction of molecular targets with receptors, the classification of toxicity receptors, genetic polymorphism, associated in particular with the key enzyme CYP2D6, which regulates the biotransformation of certain drugs in the body.

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Professor Shukirbekova attended the lab classes and SIWs on the elective discipline “Bioanalytical chemistry and toxicology”. Together with the students, they discussed the doping analysis of anabolic androgenic steroids, WADA requirements for doping analysis, accreditation of laboratories and the order of testing. We examined the current state and prospects for the development of analytical methods in doping control and interpretation of the results obtained.

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Issues of further cooperation with the partner university in the field of training highly qualified specialists for the pharmaceutical industry, the possibility of developing joint educational programs and research projects were discussed.

The Academy management and the staff of the department express sincere gratitude to professor Shukirbekova and wish fruitful work on the exchange of experience and hope for further cooperation in the field of pharmaceutical education and science.

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16.03.2018, 05:44