Another step to providing reliable and objective results of research

Topical problems of modern pharmaceutical science are:

·  control of safety and quality of: synthetic substances and natural raw materials, active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients, officinal drugs;

·  in-production and interoperational control of  technological processes;

·  development of new drugs and adjustment of methods of their analysis;

·  pharmacokinetics study;

·  assessment of the quality of water using in technological processes;

·  establishment of the facts of falsification.

For their solution it requires modern, reliable and efficient methods of analysis, among which instrumental methods are widespread. This is evidenced by the emergence of a large number of pharmacopoeia articles on such methods in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Infra-red fourier spectrometer “InfraLUM FT-08” of company “Lumex” (Russia) was purchased by the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of SKSPhA. The representative of the manufacturer, a chemical engineer E.V.Gorelkin conducted a workshop with the teaching staff of the department.

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The use of this device will enhance capabilities of scientific research in the field of quality control of drugs and chemical and toxicological analysis of toxicants.

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The faculty of the department expressed gratitude to the administration of the Academy for equipping it with modern high-tech equipment.

03.01.2016, 23:49