АНОНС к проведению Международного дня


April 29, 2015. Department of Evidence-Based Medicine of SKSPhA took part in International scientific and practical conference “Biotechnological drugs and biosimilars. International experience of rational use in clinical practice” in Almaty.

The conference was organized: Republican State Enterprise on the basis of Economic Control Rights “National center of examination of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment” of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of RK. Official support: Monitoring Committee of medical and pharmaceutical activity of MH SD of RK, Professional Association of clinical pharmacologists and pharmacists of Kazakhstan, Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education, Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers of RK.

This is the first conference in Kazakhstan dedicated to creation and implementation of biotechnological products into clinical practice, created through genetic engineering and monoclonal antibody technology. The conference purpose is highlighting the problems associated with registration questions of innovative drugs and biosimilars, rational application, taking into account the effectiveness and safety, interoperability, pharmacovigilance, considering the questions of pharmaco-economic analysis as a part of drug provision of population.

The conference was attended by leading foreign and Kazakh scientists in the field of Oncology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology, clinical pharmacologists and pharmacists. At the conference, along with presentations and reports, there was discussed the draft resolution, which was unanimously approved by all the participants. 

Attached file: резолюц.docx


08.05.2015, 06:21