“Ana Omir - ana zhyr”

The 8th of March - “International Women's Day”, a special holiday, a holiday of spring and good mood. This is another reason to give to the beautiful half of the academy kind words and gratitude.

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At the 1st of March of 1995 the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan was established and in 2015 the head of state proposed to declare this day in celebration of 20th of the Assembly the Thanksgiving Day, when the people of the country can thank each other and the Kazakh people for tolerance and hospitality to those years when many nations were deported to the country.

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The Department of «Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry» with curatorial groups organized a festive concert “Ana Omir - ana zhyr” in honor of the upcoming 8th of March, and the Thanksgiving Day. The holiday concert was very rich in content and was a medley of rooms dedicated to these two wonderful holidays. Faculty, staff and students of SKSPhA, as well as parents of students were invited in assembly hall of the academy.

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Students prepared a bright festive program. They danced folk dances of various ethnic groups of the country, sang songs about women, love and spring, as well as they recited poems dedicated to their mothers, for which they were awarded with loud applause.

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Students presented staging various life situations very bright and sincerely, which the hall actively supported with applause at times with tears in his eyes, and sometimes tears of joy and happiness. CLQ (Club for the Lightheaded and Quick-witted team) “Farmfak zhіgіtterі” joked kindly about the weak half of humanity, as well as the relationship between men and women. Funny and talented students charged the hall by positive and festive mood. It is impossible not to notice that students came to prepare the festive events with great warmth.

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S.N. Matіke expressed sincere gratitude on behalf of the parents to the teachers  for a noble and honest work, dedication, respect of professional knowledge, which will serve as a solid basis for a successful future for our children, for the involvement of children in active social and educational activities, as well as she congratulated and wish all the best wishes to all those present in the hall.

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The entire hall sang all your favorite songs at the end of the concert and gave a standing ovation to all the participants, teachers and students in honor of International Women's Day and the Thanksgiving Day. 

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08.03.2016, 23:39