An online videoconference on the theme “I am for life!”

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On November 11, 2016 at 14:00 Department of morphological and physiological sciences, physical education with valeology of South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy and Ya. A. Lazarisa Department of Pathological Physiology with the Department of General Pharmacology of Karaganda State Medical University organized and conducted scientific student thematic videoconference on G- Global communication platform on the topic: "I am for life!".

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There were presented and discussed 13 reports that were prepared by 1-6 year students. According to the message of the President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev on the implementation of trilingualism into the educational process. Department of morphological and physiological sciences, physical education with valeology prepared 6 reports, including: one of them- in  English (student of 101 MPC group Zhibek Kadylbek - supervisor senior lecturer Karlygash Toymbetova), two- in Russian (students: Diyana Kochkarova, Rishat Iskakov – 106 Ph group -supervisor senior lecturer N.M. Murina ), three- in Kazakh language (students of 304 Ph group  Balymsha Atem , supervisor-senior lecturer S.M. Arinova ; Nurtas Zhumanazar - Supervisor  - head of Department, Associate Professor L.D Zholymbekova ; Karlygash  Abdukarimova  – supervisor - master M.S Izbasarova).

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Department of Pathological Physiology prepared 7 reports, 2 of them are in English language, 3 in Russian, 2- in Kazakh. Topics of reports cover vital issues, such as tuberculosis, smoking, substance abuse, suicidal tendencies among young people: there were not only reports  about bad habits and diseases, but also there were offers about the methods and ways of preventing similar phenomena. Videoconference ended with a positive attitude and a wish to continue the joint work between institutions at the G- Global platform in the future.

17.11.2016, 07:17