An interdepartmental scientific and practical conference was held "Primary care physician: from symptoms to diagnosis and treatment", dedicated to the Day of Science

On April 15, 2022, in the assembly hall of the Shymkent city polyclinic No. 8, an inter-departmental scientific and practical conference "Physician of primary care: from symptoms to diagnosis and treatment" dedicated to the Day of Science, organized by the Department of Family Medicine of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy was held.

The head of the Department of Scientific and Clinical Work, Doctoral and Master's Studies of the SKMA Zhaksylyk Alikhan Altynkhanovich and the head physician of the city polyclinic No. 8 Almenov Sergazy Tuymebayevich took part in the opening of the conference.
After the opening of the conference, Ph.D., head. Department of "Family Medicine" SKMA, assoc. Professor Kauyzbai Zhumaly Aripbaevich acquainted with the progress of the implementation of the scientific program of the Department of Family Medicine. Professor of the Department of Family Medicine, MD Samchenko Igor Alexandrovich report on the topic “From symptom to diagnosis and treatment. Formulation of the diagnosis. The report discussed topical issues of the primary care doctor, provided important data in the diagnosis and modern treatment.
The reports were continued by residents of family medicine and therapists who took an active part in the conference. The residents of the conference made presentations on the current problems of post-COVID syndrome, the most common diseases in the practice of an outpatient doctor. Topical issues of symptoms of diseases, diagnosis and treatment in accordance with the latest scientific achievements and protocols were deeply disclosed.
General practitioners of Polyclinic No. 8 and conference participants raised topical issues related to the theme of the conference and shared their experience of working in PHC. The head of the Department of Therapy and Cardiology Asanova Galia Kuttymbetovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Family Medicine Temirkulova Sholpan Alibekovna, head teacher Salkhozhaeva Kulzira Kenesovna, assistant responsible for scientific work Atashova Kumisai Kuldyrakovna also took an active part in the discussion.

Residents who took an active part in the conference and made presentations were awarded letters of thanks. The scientific and practical conference organized by the Department of Family Medicine was held at a high organizational level.

19.04.2022, 15:48