An exhibition dedicated to Science Day was held at the Academy.

On April 14, the Department of scientific and clinical work, PhD doctoral and master’s programs organized an exhibition in honour of the Science Day in Kazakhstan. The exhibition's theme was associated with the achievements of the Academy in the field of science, innovation and education.

The Department of project management and commercialization, «South clinical & Genetic laboratory», the practical skills center, the department of distance learning technologies and other 22 departments participated in the event: "Biology and Biochemistry", "Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychology", "Therapy and Cardiology", "Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology", "Drug Technology", "Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology", "Surgery-2", "Phthisis Pulmonology and Radiology", "Pediatrics-1", "Microbiology, Virology and Immunology", "General Practitioner-1", "General Practitioner-2", "Obstetrics and Gynaecology", "Pharmacognosy", "History of Kazakhstan and social-humanitarian disciplines", "Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages", "Pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry", "Medbiophysics and information technologies", "Organization and management of pharmaceutical business", "Social and medical insurance and public health", "Emergency medical care and nursing", "Family medicine". The participants presented projects, scientific publications, author's certificates, patents, monographs, textbooks, diplomas, medals and other results of academic activity.

16.04.2023, 01:32