"Algys hut" from the akim of Shymkent to the editor of the journal Raikhan Shaimerdenova

The current year 2021 is significant for two dates: the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Kazakh Radio, the history of which began in October 1921, and for the first time the official Day of Radio workers in professional holidays in Kazakhstan. The editor of a scientific journal, a member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, is directly related to two events.

In the mid-90s, by order of the Chairman of the Corporation of Radio and Television of Kazakhstan, she was appointed as the Kazakh Radio's own correspondent for the South Kazakhstan region, since she already had experience working in the Russian editorial office of the Shymkent Regional Television and Radio Committee. Efficiency in the coverage of event materials was off the scale: let there be government delegations, sowing of both winter and spring crops, harvesting, harvesting of raw cotton, vegetables, fruits, the release of new construction materials. For two or three days the radio journalists were ahead of the brothers in the pen of the newspapermen. And with the stamp "urgent!" they were sent through telephone wires and directly to the main hardware of the news blocks, where the materials went like hotcakes, they were waiting for them around the clock. A few minutes later, the materials were broadcast, and less eventful - essays, sketches were sent through the airport. In the 90s, the Corporation did not have the funds to pay for telephone conversations, which ate up the entire operational budget, as well as rented premises for three of its own correspondents of the correspondent point – Marzia Imanovna Omarova, Kalybek Atzhanov and Raikhan Shaimerdenova. Resourcefulness in negotiations with Kazakhtelecom allowed her to provide a "green corridor" for materials that traveled over distances.

Raikhan Anuarbekovna shared this with colleagues at a meeting with Akim of Shymkent Murat Aitenov and representatives of the public. The Shymkent City Department of Culture organized solemn events for veterans of radio journalism and currently working at radio stations and broadcasting live to Kazakhstan. They visited the citadel, the ethno-village, the Arbat, where the citizens were presented with radio transmission equipment of those years, which are no longer found in the 21st century.

At the meeting of the Academic Council, the rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Myrzabek Myrzashevich Rysbekov, presented Raikhan Shaimerdenova with a letter of thanks, which notes the recognition of her services to the city of Shymkent and the Turkestan region in highlighting the socio-economic development of the region.

According to R.A.Shaimerdenova, those who graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of KazGU (now al-Farabi Kazakh National University) in the early 80s and to this day know that the media is a powerful ideological weapon. If social networks can be blocked, they can also be adjusted, then radio signals will perfectly pass through distances, across oceans and continents, delivering reliable information about events to the whole world. This is the credo of the journalist herself. Be honest with yourself and with society.

She has been working at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy for 23 years. And all these years she has been the editor of the scientific journal "Vestnik of SKMA”, is the winner of republican competitions also among medical universities of Kazakhstan.

24.11.2021, 16:30