«Alash times-Alikhan Bokeikhanov»

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This year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the prominent state and public figure, scientist Alikhan Bokeikhanov. This anniversary is celebrated under the aegis of UNESCO.

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On 23 February, 2016 to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the hero of his and our time Alikhan Bokeikhanov it was a “round” table on the theme «Alash times-Alikhan Bokeikhanov», organized by the Department of Social disciplines and Humanities. The “round” table was devoted to his life and social and political activity. The event was attended by senior lecturer of SKSU G. Oten, head of Department of youth policy of SKSPhA G.D.Orazymbetova, teaching staff, students of medical and pharmaceutical faculties аnd college.

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A report presentation was made by: senior teacher of the department M.S. Tulentayev «Алаштың алып азаматы Ә. Бөкейханов», senior lecturer of SKSU G. Oten «А. Бокейхановтың мұраларының тарихының маңызы және «Мәнгілік ел» идеясымен сабақтастығы» and also shared his knowledge head of the Department, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, acting Professor K.B. Kemelbekov.

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During the event a short documentary film was shown about the life, political and creative activity of A. Bokeikhanov. The round table continued with a discussion between teachers and students.

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Special activity was shown by the college students. Students of 201 group demonstrated the stage number about prison life of A. Bokeikhanov. It was sounded poems of N.Esengeldi of 202 group «Қазақтың бағдаршамы».

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At the conclusion of the “round” table, guests and students were familiarized with the exhibition prepared by the library of SKSPhA, where you could see the works of A. Bokeikhanov, magazine and newspaper publications of different years, the documentary novel about his life and political career, who has devoted his entire adult life to the cause of liberation of the Kazakh people.

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06.03.2016, 22:30