From June 6 to June 10, 2022, within the framework of academic mobility in the discipline "Pharmacognosy", 4th-year students of the Pharmacy educational program of the Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University together with teachers of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy visited the educational and professional base for growing, collecting and processing medicinal plants, located in the village of Keregetas of Tolebi district, Kaskasu area.

Before the start of the training practice, the students got acquainted with the safety of work in the field. They received daily assignments and studied the methodology of work.
Students of the 3rd and 4th year of the educational program "Pharmacy" of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, undergoing practical training from May 30 to June 17, together with teachers of the Department of Pharmacognosy, conducted an introductory tour of the surroundings.

The guests were introduced to the floral composition of local vegetation, taking into account the rational use of resources, the students jointly collected raw materials of various morphological groups (leaves, herbs, flowers, underground organs, fruits, seeds, bark), carried out primary processing and drying, and herbarization of medicinal plant raw materials.

During the practice, methods were used to determine the stocks of wild medicinal plants of this region on the example of herbaceous, woody and shrubby plants. The students reacted with a scientific approach to the protection and rational use of natural plant resources of Kazakhstan.

Students of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov were impressed by the rich raw material base of our region, and expressed their willingness to offer the leadership of their university to include the SKMA base among the bases of practice of the WKMU from the next academic year.

We hope that in the future, along with students of pharmaceutical faculties of Kazakhstan, students from partner universities of near and far abroad will also practice at the Kaskasu base.

20.06.2022, 15:35