AIDS prevention

On April 26, 2016 the teachers of the Department Therapy of Bachelor’s degree” held sanitary and educational work on AIDS prevention among the students of South - Kazakhstan state university named after M. Auezov who are living in a hostel №6. The event was headed by Associate Professor G.S. Sadykova.

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The objective of this event is above all to help young people to understand and learn the seriousness of this disease, try to convey the essence of the problem, increase the interest of young people to the problems associated with AIDS.

The listeners of this lecture were not only the students but also the teachers of SKSU.

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There was played a thematic team game for students according to AIDS problems.

AIDS is the most serious disease that youth face today due to their immoral lifestyle. After the event, the students asked questions on the topic and received correct answers.

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According to this communication with young people, we can say that the health of future young generation is their great concern. Today’s youth is looking for answers to various questions about the controversial modern world, reinterpreting the past, appreciating the real opportunities in the present and looking forward.

11.05.2016, 22:54