Actual issues of pharmaceutical and chemical-toxicological research of drugs

South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy held International scientific-practical conference Actual problems of pharmacy and medicine on May 29 this year, in which sectional meeting Actual problems of pharmaceutical, chemical and toxicological studies of drugs” was held.

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The participants of the conference were presented informative reports on topical issues of contemporary scientific problems, ensuring the quality and safety of medicines.

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The paper discussed the results section of research papers devoted to bioanalytical methods quantifying, assessing the safety and efficacy of new biologically active compounds and anticancer action of TB.

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There were also questions about the use of recycled materials in pharmacy agricultural products primeneneie nanotechnology in the production of coatings of bactericidal action.

No less interesting were the reports of chemical-toxicological studies of drugs, morphological, anatomical and phytochemical studies of medicinal plants growing in southern Kazakhstan.

The lively interest of the audience caused the report by Sharipov I.M., a candidate of pharmaceutical sciences (Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa), dedicated to the synthesis and biological activity of derivatives of 4,5- dibromimidazole.

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There have been marked as the most relevant and practical significance of the work by Ivanova S.V. “Evaluation of the competitiveness of the group of drugs angiotensin receptor blockers II” (Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov, Moscow).

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Korotkov V.A. “The study of trace-element content of the fruits of Macclure orange” (SKSPhA, NPhU, Kharkov).

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Kydyralieva A.D. “The coating method of contact with bactericidal activity” (SKSU, Shymkent), Nadirova S.N. “The choice of the composition of the mobile phase for chromatography of metronidazole” (SKSPhA).

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09.06.2015, 06:05