Students of the scientific circle of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry "Pharmacy of the Future" annually speak at various conferences not only of the republican, but also of the international level. And this time, too, was no exception. Kinayatova Adema presented the results of research work on the chemical and toxicological analysis of atenolol, 5th year student, B-FKB-01-16 group of specialty "Pharmacy", at the 75th International Scientific and Practical Conference of students of medical universities and young scientists "Modern medicine and pharmaceutics: new approaches and topical research".

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The conference was held at Samarkand State Medical Institute. After the plenary session, sectional sessions were held in 14 directions in the field of medicine and pharmacy. A. Kinayatova spoke in the section "Modern achievements of clinical pharmacology", which united the research work of students and young scientists from medical universities of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Young scientists reported on the results of scientific work on pharmacoeconomics, drug marketing, preclinical studies of new synthesized drugs, technologies for producing drugs from herbal medicinal raw materials and chemical and toxicological analysis of toxicologically important substances.

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The works of young scientists were assessed according to criteria such as the degree of mastery of the material, the quality of the presentation design, the consistency and clarity of the presentation of the topic, etc. The work of a student of our academy, A. Kinayatova, on the optimization of extraction from the biomatrix of atenolol caused great interest among the audience, scored a high score by all criteria and was objectively assessed by the jury.

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We sincerely congratulate our student on his convincing and brilliant victory. We wish you to not stop there, always move forward and conquer any peaks!

16.06.2021, 01:12