Achievements of students of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology

At the republican competition “The Best Student of Kazakhstan”, held as part of the program to popularize national values among the youth of the republic in the program article of the Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Kemelevich Tokayev “Adal adam-Adal enbek – Adal tabys”. Under the leadership of the head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor Seitkhanova Bibigul Tulegenovna was attended by a 3rd year student of group V-PO-03-21 Rustamzhanov Sardorbek Takhirzhanovich, majoring in Pediatrics. He coped with the assigned task with honor and became the winner in the “Best Student of Kazakhstan” nomination.
On April 26-27, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Role of Innovation in Medicine” and the 1st International Olympiad among students of medical universities “URGENCH-2030” were held in the city of Urgench of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Under the leadership of the head of the department of “Microbiology of Virology and Immunology”, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor Seytkhanova Bibigul Tulegenovna and senior teacher of the department Polatbekova Shapagat Tulegenovna, student of the specialty “Medicine” Spatai Madiyar Polatuli, student of the VM-MPA-05-22 group, took 2nd place at the 1st International Olympiad among students of medical universities “URGENCH-2030” in microbiology. We know that this high rate is a product of learner and teacher enthusiasm for science.

02.05.2024, 17:30