Accreditation - a guarantee of the quality of educational services

Today, on November 27, 2018, an external expert group of the Independent agency for quality assurance in education (IAQAE) began its work in the South Kazakhstan medical academy to conduct an external audit as part of institutional accreditation.

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The expert group is headed by Molotov-Luchansky V.B., Advisor to the rector of Karaganda state medical university, d.m.s., professor.

As part of the expert group:

• International expert Malm Anna, dean of the faculty of pharmacy with a department of medical analytics at the Medical University of Lublin (Poland),, professor;

• National expert Balmukhanova A.V., Director of the Department of science and innovations of the JSC «National medical university», d.m.s., professor;

• Zhunusova A.B., Head of the center for international innovative education, Semey State Medical University, c.m.s.

Employers are represented by Shauenov T.S., deputy chief doctor of Shymkent city clinical hospital №1, c.m.s.

The students are represented by Korikbaev M.N., a resident of the 2nd year of study at the IKTU named after K.A.Yassavi.

Coordinator of the expert group Imasheva B.S., Chief coordinator of IAQAE, d.biol.s., professor.

27.11.2018, 00:17