Academic Ranking of World Universities ARES-2014

      European Scientific and Industrial Chamber published a ranking of higher education institutions “Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard ARES-2014”. In top universities of Kazakhstan, South- Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy was also assessed.
      The purpose of university ranking ARES-2014 is assessing the capacity of universities to provide students with necessary knowledge and the ability to actively communicate with future employers and to participate in research activities. ARES ranking is compiled according to the standards of European Union. In assessing, such factors as scientific activities, international cooperation, demand for graduates, information, membership in European Academies of Sciences, awards, interaction with employers are taken into account.
      After analyzing these universities, each institution has been assigned its own assessment category: A, B or C. Category A is awarded for high quality of teaching, research activities and demand for graduates by employers and category B is for reliable ones. Ranking is handled automatically, completely eliminating the involvement of human factor.
      According to this ranking, South - Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy took 34th position among the universities of Kazakhstan with category BB.
Sector of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility.
16.02.2015, 22:36