Within the framework of academic mobility of the teaching staff from 29.11.21 to 10.12.21, at the Department of Pharmacognosy invited Farmanova Nodira Takhirovna - candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute and Khalilova Shakhnoza Ravshanovna - PһD, acting Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.
The academic mobility program includes laboratory studies, independent work of students with a teacher and the adoption of midterm control for students 3rd, 4th, 5th and accelerated 2nd courses in the specialty "Pharmacy".

The teachers conducted laboratory classes on the topics "Microbiological and radiological quality control of herbal medicines", "Analysis of medicinal plant materials containing flavonoids and their glycosides", etc., during which a complete analysis and study of topics was carried out.
The professionalism of the teachers of the TashPharMI gave only positive impressions on the students. Approaching their work with full responsibility, the teachers not only shared their knowledge and conducted laboratory classes, but also took mid-term control.

Methods of pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plant raw materials (MPRM) were discussed, laboratory experiments were also carried out in small groups. The teachers held discussions about the methods of isolating biologically active substances (BAS) from medicinal plant raw materials, as well as their identification. We stopped at the physicochemical properties, accumulation and significance of biologically active substances in plant life. The audience was extremely interested and were able to highlight a lot of useful information for themselves.

14.12.2021, 23:34