Academic mobility on the basis of the Department of Infectious and Pediatric Infectious Diseases of the Tashkent Medical Academy

Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Dermatovenerology of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, PhD, Professor G.N. Abuova and Acting Associate Professor F.A. Berdalieva conducted academic mobility on the basis of the Department of Infectious and Pediatric Infectious Diseases of the Tashkent Medical Academy in the period from 25.04.2023 to 06.05.2023. During the educational process, innovative teaching methods were used (Lecture- training, TBL, Standardized patient: SP – standart patient, protection of a clinical case, scientific project, etc.) At the heart of training at the Tashkent Medical Academy, advanced effective technologies of the medical education system are implemented, focused on the training of specialists in demand by practical healthcare, great attention is paid to the interest of students in scientific research in the field of infectology, parasitology, and the development of practical skills. Together with clinical residents, an examination and consultation of patients were conducted in the departments of the clinical base of the department (Uzbek Research Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases).

Master class "Especially dangerous infections. Hemorrhagic fevers. CCHF. Analysis of clinical cases". Lecturer - Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, PhD, Professor G.N. Abuova.

Lecture-training "Measles in children and adults at the present stage. Analysis of clinical cases". Lecturer - PhD. acting Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Dermatovenerology of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Berdalieva F.A.

PhD, Professor Abuova G.N. Practical training in a group of clinical residents. Consultation of the patient in the clinic department.

acting associate Professor Berdalieva F.A. Practical training in a group of clinical residents. Consultation of a sick child in the children's department of the clinic.

Professor of the Department of Infectious and Pediatric Infectious Diseases of the Tashkent Medical Academy, MD, Professor M.D.Akhmedova and the staff of the faculty of the department.

At the request of the management of the Department of Infectious and Pediatric Infectious Diseases of TMA, in addition to the academic mobility program, a master class "Especially dangerous infections" was held at the Branch Center for Advanced Training of TMA Teaching Staff. CCHF. Analysis of clinical cases", "Hemorrhagic syndrome in the clinic of CCHF in children" lecturers - Ph.D. Professor, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Abuova G.N.; PhD. acting Associate Professor Berdalieva F.A.

17.05.2023, 10:11