Academic mobility of the teaching staff with foreign partners

From November 1 to 12, 2021, Farmanova Nodira Tahirovna – Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute and Khalilova Shakhnoza Ravshanovna – PhD, associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute were invited to the Department of Pharmacognosy within the framework of academic mobility of the teaching staff.
The academic mobility program includes online lectures on the following topics: "Medicinal plants and raw materials containing flavonoids and their glycosides", "Medicinal plants and raw materials containing tannins", "Medicinal plants and raw materials containing alkaloids" for students of the 3rd, 4th and accelerated 2nd year of the specialty "Pharmacy" in the discipline "Pharmacognosy", as well as "Good practice of cultivation of medicinal plant raw materials", "WHO Guidelines on Good Agricultural and Collection Practice (GACP) of medicinal plants" for 5th year students of the specialty "Pharmacy" in the discipline "Resource science and ecology of medicinal plants".
Methods of pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plant raw materials were discussed. The lecturers described in detail the methods of isolation of biologically active substances from medical plant raw material, as well as their identification. They talked about the physical and chemical properties, accumulation and importance of biologically active substance in plant life. The audience was also interested in questions of both pharmacopoeia and alternative methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis.

18.11.2021, 18:47