Academic mobility of the senior teacher of JSC «SКMA» A. A. Abdramanova in the NJSC «Medical University of Astana»

In the period from 14th February to 25th February, in 2022, the senior teacher of the department of «Microbiology, Virology and Immunology» A.A. Abdramanova conducts in online format lectures and SIW classes at the NJSC «Astana Medical University» on academic mobility at the department of «Microbiology and Virology named after Sh.I. Sarbasov» for 2nd year students of the speciality «General Medicine» in Kazakh and Russian languages in the discipline «Medical Microbiology» on the following topics:
1. Microbiology of respiratory viral infections: influenza, parainfluenza, measles, mumps, RS infections, rubella, adenovirus and coronavirus infections.
2. The technique of smear preparation. Methods of staining smears. Technique of microscopy. Complex staining methods. Acid-resistant bacteria and their coloration according to Ziehl-Neelsen.
3. Isolation of pure culture of aerobes and anaerobes. The study of the nature of the growth of different bacterial cultures in liquid and solid nutrient media. The study of enzymatic activity of bacteria. Identification of bacteria.
4. Bacteriophages. Genetics of bacteria. Polymerase chain reaction. Dysbacteriosis. Basics of sanitary Microbiology. Microflora of environment.
5. Pathogens of zoonotic infections. Specific prophylaxis and treatment. Principles of laboratory diagnosis of brucellosis, plague, anthrax and tularemia.
6. Causative agents of anaerobic infections. Specific prophylaxis and treatment. Principles of laboratory diagnosis of tetanus, botulism and gas gangrene.
Classes were conducted using modern teaching methods.

18.02.2022, 16:42