Academic mobility of the professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, PhD Zh. Zhenis to JSC “SKMA”

From 15-19.06.2021, in order to implement the program of academic mobility on the basis of a memorandum of cooperation between the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, director of the “Research Center of Medicinal Plants” of KazNU, professor, PhD Zhanar Zhenis held training seminar for teaching staff, undergraduates of the Department of Pharmacognosy and employees of the laboratory “Scientific-Research Laboratory Of Medicinal Plants” of SKMA on the topics: “Research of biologically active substances of medicinal plants in Kazakhstan”, “Methodology of research work of undergraduates”, “Directions for creating scientific projects”.

She told about the ongoing work on the project “Phytochemical composition and biological activity of Artemisia species from Kazakhstan”.

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The expedition was organized with the participation of Zh. Zhenis with the staff of the department, undergraduates and employees of the laboratory “SRLMP” for the purpose of studying and collecting medicinal plant raw materials for research work. Also, the expedition was attended by candidate of biological sciences, professor of the university “Orda”, geobotanist Ibragimov T.S. The expedition members got acquainted with the flora of the Western Tien Shan mountain range and collected medicinal plant raw materials, which are studied in the “SRLMP” laboratory.

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Professor Zhanar Zhenis met with the first vice-rector of SKMA, candidate of medical sciences, prof. Esirkepov M.M. Future projects of the two research centers were discussed during the meeting with the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy,, acting prof. Orynbasarova K.K.

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A roadmap will be developed for the implementation of joint research work between the “Research Center of Medicinal Plants” of KazNU and “Scientific-Research Laboratory Of Medicinal Plants” of SKMA.

24.06.2021, 04:27