Academic mobility of interns

From 19th November 2018 to 30th November 2018, on the basis of the Memorandum of Cooperation, on the subject "Clinical Pharmacology" 5 interns from the faculty "General Medicine" of the Surgical Diseases direction of South Kazakhstan medical academy, were trained in the amount of 2 credits in Bukhara State Medical Institute named Abu Ali ibn Sino in the framework of the academic mobility programme.

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Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology of SKMA, Dr.M.Sc., Prof. Kerimbayeva Z.A. and head of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology department BMI, Cand.M.Sc, Associate Professor Musayeva D.M. developed a joint study programme of the discipline.

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In the process of training, interns were trained at the regional clinical hospital in Bukhara and were impressed by the high quality of education at Bukhara State Medical Institute and the beauty of one of the oldest cities in Central Asia. Bukhara is a city-museum, on the territory of which many monuments of Central Asian architecture from various historical periods have been preserved.

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The academic mobility programme gave our doctors a chance to expand their horizons, to visit another country, to get a unique learning experience in a higher educational institution of another state. All this will not only make new friends and get a huge amount of impressions, but also increase their competitiveness in the future.

07.12.2018, 22:29