Academic mobility is a bright start to new opportunities!

Head of the Department of «Hygiene and epidemiology», acting o. associateprofessor Utepov Parkhat within the framework of internal academic mobility at the special invitation of the department of nutriciology of the AsfendiyarovKazNMUvisited the university from 3 to 5 November 2021.
Within the framework of the program, Utepov P.D. held classes for 3rd year students in the specialty «Public health» on the topic: «Sanitary and epidemiological expertise. Expertise in the field of food hygiene».The trainees who attended ParhatDusembayevich’s practical classes noted that particular interest was shown by the teacher, who had made great strides in the field of science, felt the scientific atmosphere and the possibility of sharing knowledge and experience.
Also, ParkhatUtepov became an honorary member of the collegium of the Republican student conference «COVID-19 and nutrition: new accents and priorities», organized by the department of nutrition, AsfendiyarovKazNMU, held on November 3 at the Kazakh Academy of nutrition. The conference was attended by the first Kazakh academician, the founder of nutrition science, doctor of medical sciences, professorSharmanovToregeldy, who was the chairman of this conference. The conference was moderated by MaykulKainarbaeva, head of the department of nutrition, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor.
By mutual agreement, the results of the academic mobility conducted were successfully evaluated by the head of the department of nutriciology, ph.d., associate professor MaykulKainarbaeva on behalf of the vice-rector for academic Activities K.Baildinova thanked UtepovParkhat from the bottom of her heart for active cooperation between universities and excellence and awarded the certificate.
The issue of attracting scientists from other universities for academic mobility is one of the rational and fruitful decisions. We hope that the measures taken will not be limited to this and will be continued together with the department of «Hygiene and epidemiology»!

15.11.2021, 17:41