As part of the implementation of the agreement between the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbayeva, faculty of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of the SKMA held lectures and master classes as part of academic mobility online.
Professor S.K. Ordabaeva was to conduct lectures and webinars in the field of drug quality control. Methods for the pharmaceutical analysis of drugs, derivatives of aromatic, alicyclic, steroid, heterocyclic compounds were discussed.

The lecturer described in detail the methods for obtaining biologically active compounds from natural raw materials, as well as methods for the synthesis of drugs, based on the results of which she substantiated the problems of the purity of drugs. She dwelled in detail on the physicochemical properties, physical constants, spectral characteristics of drugs and their identification methods. Particular attention was paid to the issues of both pharmacopoeial and alternative methods for the quantitative determination of medicinal substances. Information on the pharmacopoeial analysis of medicinal substances was supplemented with information from the EAEU Pharmacopoeia, the US Pharmacopoeia, the European Pharmacopoeia, as well as from the ND of manufacturing companies.

Associate Professor of the Department A.D. Serikbayeva introduced the audience to the chemical-toxicological analysis for a group of substances isolated from biological material by extraction and sorption. The students listened to lectures on general and particular methods for isolating toxicologically important medicinal poisons, pesticides, as well as preliminary and confirmatory methods for their identification. In addition, the types of incoming accompanying documents, objects of research, modern methods of sample preparation, interpretation of the results of chemical and toxicological analysis were discussed.

Listeners of online lectures and webinars led by the head of the department of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Medicines by Murataliyeva A.Zh. expressed gratitude on behalf of the leadership of KSMA for teaching talent, for an interesting and accessible presentation of the material on quality control of medicines and chemical and toxicological analysis of toxicologically important substances of the teachers of SKMA.

27.06.2022, 12:50