From March 25 to April 5, 2024, acting Professor Orynbassarova K., head of the department of Pharmacognosy, within the framework of academic mobility was at the Samarkand State Medical University (SSMU, Samarkand, UZ).
The visiting program included participation in the educational process with students of the Faculty of Pharmacy (lectures, practical classes), conducting master classes with teachers, conducting active teaching methods, discussing and agreeing on joint educational programs, visiting scientific and clinical centers of the university, etc.

Orynbassarova K. conducted lectures on the discipline “Pharmaceutical Botany” for 2nd year students, who examined higher spore plants, the morphology of vegetative and generative organs of plants, taxonomy of subclasses Magnoliidae, and on the discipline “Pharmacognosy” for 3rd year students in the educational program “Pharmacy”, which includes definitions, classification, physicochemical properties of medicinal plants and raw materials containing flavonoids, coumarins, chromones.

Laboratory and practical classes in the subject “Pharmaceutical Botany”, “Pharmacognosy” included an interview with students on the taxonomy of medicinal plants; morphological description of roots, leaves, flowers, stems; extraction methods; quality control of medicinal plant raw materials; qualitative and quantitative analysis of medicinal plant materials; instrumental methods of analysis, discussion of laboratory tasks, preparation of protocols and workbooks. During classes, we did laboratory work. Classes conducted at a high professional level using innovative teaching technologies.

On March 30, took part in an exhibition of medicinal herbal remedies. The exhibition was organized by the city administration, pharmaceutical company entrepreneurs and the teaching staff of the SSMU department. During the exhibition, the most pressing issues in the field of pharmacy were discussed, and there was also an exchange of opinions and experience in conducting practical training “Pharmacognosy”, “Pharmaceutical Botany” in the field of academic mobility.

During a meeting with the rector of SSMU, prof. Rizayev Zh. discussed issues of further cooperation on the exchange of students, practical training, teachers, internships for undergraduates, participation in joint scientific projects, scientific and practical symposiums, visits to leading scientists of both universities, supervision of undergraduates and doctoral students, etc.

On April 2, master classes and trainings were held for teachers on the topic “Forms for monitoring learning outcomes and their implementation”, active methods “PBL and CBL methods in teaching Pharmacognosy”, “Project-oriented learning”, “Certification of practical skills of students using OSPE technologies” and other active methods. Issues of scientific directions of collaborating departments, the possibility of scientific consulting for master's and doctoral dissertations were discussed.

During academic mobility, on April 3, the lecture given jointly with PhD Bazarova Nigina. An open binary lecture given on the topic “Sale of alkaloids on the pharmaceutical market and features of their production technology.”
The binary lecture chosen as a way of interdisciplinary integration that successfully implements the professional-competency approach of modern education. At the same time, the recommended type of lecture combines the receipt of information simultaneously in several disciplines, the mastery of which creates the opportunity for students to form a holistic picture of their future multifaceted, interconnected and interdependent professional activities.
Thus, a binary lecture with elements of interdisciplinary integration made it possible to achieve effectiveness in the formation of professional competencies of a pharmacist. Such classes allow the student, by repeatedly applying knowledge in each discipline studied or studied outside the framework of one discipline, in new conditions, to develop the ability to apply knowledge in professional activities.
During the lecture, feedback established with students to consolidate the acquired knowledge and update the acquired knowledge. Students who received comprehensive answers to their questions expressed gratitude and positive feedback.

At the end of the visit, the teaching staff of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Technology of Samarkand State Medical University expressed warm wishes and testified to the further active cooperation of universities within the framework of the academic mobility program for teachers and students.
Acting Professor Orynbassarova K. received high praise and gratitude for the work carried from the management of SSMU, the staff of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Technology and students.

12.04.2024, 16:33