Modern integration processes in the world also affect the higher education system. Understanding the advantages of developing mobility to increase the competitiveness of universities and countries, and forming a single labor market, academic mobility is considered the main task and tool of the Bologna process. Therefore, our JSC "SKMA", having reached an agreement with partner educational universities, often invites qualified specialists to exchange knowledge within the framework of academic mobility.
From 12.04.23 to 12.14.23, Kira Pupykina, a professor of the Pharmacognosy department with a course in the basics of Botany and herbal medicine at the Bashkir State Medical University, was invited to the Department of Pharmacognosy as part of the academic mobility of the teaching staff.
The academic mobility program provides laboratory classes in disciplines assigned to students of 3rd., 4th, and 5th courses in the educational program "Pharmacy", checking the independent work of students with a teacher, as well as taking midterm control, participation in intermediate classes, students report on project-oriented learning (PBL), as well as participation in the annual International Scientific Conference within the Academy. The approved disciplines of the program are “Pharmacognosy-1”, “Resource Science and Ecology of medicinal plants”, and “Analysis and Standardization of medicinal raw materials”.

Laboratory classes were conducted on the topics “Analysis of medicinal plant materials containing alkaloids (isoquinoline, indole, purine derivatives) (external signs, microscopy, qualitative reactions (chromatographic detection), quantitative determination by current regulatory documentation)”, “Analysis and standardization medicinal raw materials containing anthracene derivatives", "Analysis and standardization of medicinal raw materials containing flavonoids", "Analysis of medicinal plant raw materials containing alkaloids (steroidal, diterpene alkaloids) (external signs, microscopy, qualitative reactions (chromatographic detection), quantitative determination by current regulatory documentation)”, “Ecological features of the cultivation of medicinal plants”, as well as lectures and practical exercises during which a complete analysis and study of the topics were carried out.

Professor K. Pupykina took her work with full responsibility, not only shared her knowledge, but also conducted laboratory classes, and took midterm control from students. During the midterm control, she closely monitored the students’ preparation and gave a positive assessment.
During laboratory classes, methods of pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plant raw materials (MPS) were discussed, and laboratory experiments were conducted in small groups. The teacher held discussions about the isolation of biologically active substances from MP, as well as methods for their isolation. She focused on the physicochemical properties, accumulation, and importance of biologically active substances in plant life. Explanatory classes were also held on environmental factors in the process of working with plants, their classification, and environmental factors influencing the quality of medicinal plant raw materials. The students were very interested in these topics and noted during the lesson that they were able to gain a lot of useful information for themselves.

In addition, within the walls of JSC "SKMA," students annually report on the project-oriented direction of study, introduced since the last academic year. By this, from the beginning of the new academic year, project-oriented training of students was introduced at our department to increase scientific interest. Pupykina Kira Aleksandrovna listened to the students’ interim report on the results of the PBL and asked questions of interest; the students found the advice and recommendations of the foreign professor very useful.

From December 6th to 8th, 2023, the First International Forum of Young Scientists and Students was held within the walls of JSC “SKMA”. On December 7th, at the plenary session, the chairman of the cyclic methodological commission of pharmaceutical disciplines, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy with a course in Botany and the fundamentals of herbal medicine at the Bashkir State Medical University, Kira Pupykina, spoke on the topic “The main directions of educational and scientific activities of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Bashkir State Medical University.” At the end of her performance, the participant was awarded a diploma and a memorable present from the organizers.

Kira Pupykina also acted as a moderator at the sectional session “Natural medicines and prospects for their use,” which took place on December 7-8, 2023 as part of the X International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Prospects for the Development of Biology, Medicine and Pharmacy.” During the conference, moderators asked questions and evaluated the speakers.
At the closing ceremony of the conference, she made a closing speech and presented statuettes with an honorary diploma to the best young scientists and students.

Under the leadership of the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Orynbassarova K. the department staff and students express their deep gratitude to Kira Pupykina for her fruitful work in reviewing experience and her readiness to create her knowledge in the field of pharmaceutical education and science. We wish you good health and prosperity!

The staff of the Department of Pharmacognosy expresses its deep gratitude to the leadership of the Academy for the opportunity and fruitful joint activities in the framework of training competent specialists in the field of pharmacy.

21.12.2023, 16:36