An important part of the training of highly qualified pharmacists is the industrial practice of students. Considering this fact, the management of our academy provides an opportunity to practice in different cities of the world, where the most famous pharmaceutical universities and organizations are located, so that students can deepen their theoretical knowledge and apply it in practice.
Based on the "Memorandum of Cooperation between JSC South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute – branch of Volgograd State Medical University (PMFI - branch of VolgSMU, Pyatigorsk, Russia), 4th year students of the educational program "Pharmacy" Abilkhair Aruzhan Nuridinkyzy, Atyrau Aruzhan Orynbasarkyzy, Daulbaeva Aruzhan Nurzhigitkyzy, Tursynbay Bereke Ardakyzy, Tashkaraev Azamat Rakhmatullayevich together with the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Ph.D., acting professor Orynbasarova K. K. they had an internship in the period from May 30 to June 10, 2022 on the basis of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Botany and Technology of phytopreparations of PMPI – branch of VolgSMU.

The internship in this region is justified by the fact that the Stavropol Territory is unique in the variety of medicinal plants containing alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, essential oils, which represent a large section of the educational program.
The purpose of the production practice is to get acquainted with the growing conditions and ecology of medicinal plants of the flora of the North Caucasus, the possibilities of experimental plant cultivation in a botanical garden, the study of the experience of introducing into culture many important types of medicinal plants with limited reserves and narrow areas of growth.
In addition, to replenish the herbarium and raw materials fund of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the SKMA, students have the opportunity to prepare herbarium and raw materials of medicinal plants that do not grow in Kazakhstan.
As part of the internship, they got acquainted with the work of the Institute, the departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the peculiarities of teaching pharmaceutical disciplines, research laboratories. Konovalov D. A. Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Botany and Technology of Phytopreparations, Professor, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Deputy Director of the PMPI for scientific work showed scientific achievements, ways of formation and development of the department.

According to the work plan, the students worked in the botanical garden of the PMPI, where they got acquainted with the conditions of cultivation and cultivation of various pharmacopoeia, medicinal and ornamental plants: Caucasian dioscorea, blood-red hawthorn, common anise, horse chestnut, etc.
Students, in addition to studying agricultural technology in the botanical garden, conducted macroscopic and microscopic analyses of medicinal plants.

As a result of practical training, students consolidated their theoretical knowledge and formed skills in the study of medicinal plants in the field of research work.
In addition to the mandatory internship program, students and the head of the practice, Acting Professor K.K. Orynbasarova, took part in a round table with international participation "Scientific projects for the study of medicinal plants" with a presentation of the results of scientific research. There was an exchange of views and experience in conducting research and educational programs with the organizers and guests of the round table.

Also, the head of the group of students from the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Acting Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy, K.K. Orynbasarova, was in the framework of academic mobility on the basis of the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - a branch of the Volgograd State Medical University.
The visiting program included participation in the educational process with students of the Faculty of Pharmacy (lectures, practical classes), conducting master classes with teachers, introducing experience in conducting active teaching methods, discussing and coordinating joint educational programs, visiting the scientific and clinical centers of the Institute, the base of industrial practice, etc.

The "Day of Kazakhstan" was held, where the table was set and the 4th-year student Tashtemirov Azamat played the composition “Adai” and “Balbirauyn” on the dombyra.

During a meeting with the director of the PMPI , Prof. Chernikov M.V. A memorandum of cooperation between our universities was signed, there was discussion and coordination of joint educational programs between our universities, issues of further cooperation were discussed.

Further development and strengthening of ties with the partner university, search for new directions and forms of cooperation in the field of training highly qualified specialists for the pharmaceutical industry will contribute to obtaining mutually beneficial results.
We express our gratitude to the host party in the person of the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Botany and Technology of Phytopreparations PMPI Prof. Konovalova D.A. and the staff of the department for organizing an exchange program and a warm welcome.
The students note that the practice has helped them feel more confident in their knowledge and skills in the field of medicinal plants research, and express their gratitude to the leadership of the Academy for the opportunity to undergo practical training at the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute.
The young people expressed their sincere gratitude to the leadership of the academy and personally to the rector of SKMA M.M.Rysbekov for the opportunity to gain new knowledge and for the opportunity to undergo practical training in one of the leading pharmaceutical universities in Russia.

21.06.2022, 12:47