The VIII international scientific conference of young scientists and students "Prospects for the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy" hold on December 9-10, 2021 in the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy in offline and online formats. The conference is organized by the Science Council under the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation of the JSC South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The conference gathered a large number of positive reviews from universities and higher educational institutions of the CIS and neighboring countries.

At a plenary session from the School of Pharmacy of the S. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University took a speech PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering Disciplines Zhapparkulova Karlygash Altynbekovna with the topic "Prospects for the use of the medicinal herb Ziziphora bunge in medicine." At the end of her speech, the participant was awarded a diploma and a memorable present from the organizers.
By the staff of the Department of Pharmacognosy carried out the work of the sectional meeting "Natural medicines and the prospects for their use". The section received 52 scientific articles and abstracts presented by leading universities of: Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
On conference attended by promising people. These are young scientists from universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and partner universities - PMPI (Pyatigorsk, RF), BSMU (Ufa, RF), TashPharMI (Tashkent, Uz), NPhaU (Kharkov, Ukraine), KSMU (Kursk, RF), NSMU (Novosibirsk, RF)), I. Akhunbaev KyrSMA (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic) and others.
In the section session attended students of the scientific circle of the department titled "Phytochemist", master students, doctoral students and students, graduate students from partner universities on topical problems of pharmaceutical science.

The reports of the students were so informative and comprehensive that they provoked heated discussions among the audience. High-level speakers presented the results of research work, raised important issues in the field of pharmacy and maintained high-quality communication with the audience, answering all the questions asked. Such conferences, without a doubt, are the impetus for the development of new ideas.

As a result of the conference, all conference participants were awarded certificates.
The following winners of the youth competition among students, undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students were awarded honorary diplomas and mementos:
1) The best work of young scientists - Askarov Akmalzhon Nodirbek ugli, young scientist of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.
2) The best student work - Andasbek Aigerim Asylkhankyzy, a 3rd year student of the pharmaceutical faculty of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.
The conference participants were satisfied and thanked the organizers for the excellent opportunity to express their views on important topics in pharmacy. We can safely say that the conference was held at a high level and helped the participants to plunge into the scientific research world.

14.12.2021, 23:43