About the work of the section "Clinical pharmacy, experimental and clinical pharmacology: new approaches and current research"

On December 8-9, 2022, the IX International Scientific Conference of young scientists and students "Prospects for the development of Biology, Medicine and Pharmacy" was traditionally held in the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy in a hybrid format. The conference was held with the support of the Council for Science at the N.Nazarbayev Foundation and JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy". The conference participants were students and young scientists from universities and higher educational institutions in Kazakhstan and neighbouring countries.

The staff of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology organized and conducted the work of the sectional session "Clinical Pharmacy, experimental and clinical pharmacology: new approaches and current research". The section received over 40 scientific articles and abstracts submitted by leading universities in Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. These are young scientists of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and partner universities – TashPharmI (Tashkent, RUz), Sechenov Medical University (Moscow, RF), Pharmaceutical Institute of Education and Research (Tashkent, RUz), MUK (Karaganda), WKMU (Aktobe), MUS (Semey), MKTU named after Khoja Akhmet Yassavi (Turkestan) and others.

The topic of the breakout session, where undergraduates, doctoral students and students from partner universities spoke, concerned topical issues of clinical pharmacy and pharmacological science in general.
The speakers' reports were so informative and exhaustive that they caused heated discussions among the listeners. Of particular interest were the pharmacological studies of phytopreparations conducted at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology of Tashpharmi, the speeches of 3rd-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of UCMA engaged in research within the framework of project-oriented training and. The speakers presented the results of scientific research at a high level, raised important issues in the field of pharmacy and maintained high-quality communication with the audience, answering all the questions asked. Such conferences, without a doubt, are an impetus for the development of new ideas.

The head of the department Toxanbayeva Zh.S. in her closing speech noted the high level of research activity of young scientists and students and thanked the guests and speakers at the breakout session. Following the results of the conference, all participants were awarded certificates. The winners of the youth competition among students, undergraduates and doctoral students, in the following nominations, were unanimously recognized:
1) The best work of young scientists – Kasymbekova Damira Amanalievna, Master’s student of Pharmacy, South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan.
2) The best work of a student - Yerkinbek Ulzada Mukhtarkyzy, an intern student in the 6th year of the Faculty of General Medicine of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.
These nominees were awarded honorary diplomas and memorable gifts at the closing ceremony of the conference.

15.12.2022, 16:23