About the trip to Baku

At the invitation of the Organizing Committee, represented by the Chairman, Professor Dr. Vugar Amirovich Aliyev, with the support of our leadership of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (SCMA) and the Center for Joint Diseases of Shymkent, we, the head of the Department of GP-2, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Dosybayeva G.N. and Master Botabekova A.K. participated with a report at the Third Eurasian Conference " Pandemic of coronavirus infection: diagnosis, treatment and complications on April 27 – 28, 2022", held in Baku, Azerbaijan. (www.pandemic-conf-2022.com https://konferencii.ru/info/138681).
The organizers of the conference were: AMIR Technical Services LLC, an international event organizer, Aziz Aliyev State Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, Israel Medical Association, Astana Medical University (Kazakhstan), Kazan State Medical University (Russia), Nikolai State Medical and Pharmaceutical University Testemitanu" (Moldova).

The purpose of the conference was to spread the "know-how" of knowledge and technologies on diagnostics, emergency medical care, treatment, vaccination and innovative approaches in the prevention of coronavirus infection, as well as on the influence of the mentality and discipline of citizens on the course and prevalence of infection.
Our article "ARTHRITIS AND LONG COVID: NO PROBLEM?" the authors:Chokan Baimukhamedov,Aliya Botabekova,Gulzhan Dossybayeva, were included in the Program, reported at the conference and it will be published in a Special Issue of the journal "Israel Medical Association Journal" indexed in the Scopus database.

An interesting and timely international conference in the hospitable land of Azerbaijan – a beautiful ancient country at the junction of Europe and Asia, brought together scientists and practitioners of world renown who shared their experience and knowledge, discussed the problems of the pandemic, issues of its diagnosis, treatment and postcovid complications.

For future cooperation between our universities of our countries (Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan) - the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and the Azerbaijan Medical University, Gulzhan Nurbekovna Dosybaeva, by prior agreement with the head of the international relations department of the Azerbaijan Medical University, associate professor Mushfig Orudzhev, on 04.25.2022, an acquaintance with the University therapy clinic.

Director Professor Dr.Surkhay N.Musayev introduced us to the clinic and its faculty of clinical departments (therapy) of the university and some therapeutic departments (hematology, rheumatology, gastroenterology).
On 04/26/2022, to discuss our future cooperation, a meeting was held with the leadership of the AMU in the person of: Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Azerbaijan Medical University, Associate Professor Rauf Beylerov, Head of the Department of International Relations of the Azerbaijan Medical University, Associate Professor Mushfig Orujev, Deputy. Head of the Department of International Relations of AMU Nigar Alekberova, Head of the educational part of the Department of Family Medicine of AMU, assistant Ilaha Rasul.


Thanks to the sunny and beautiful city of Baku, which leaves its mark in the heart of everyone who has ever been here. We were here for the first time, admired its history, traditions and hospitality.

16.05.2022, 11:48