About the teaching practice of doctoral and master students of the Department of OMPhB

Doctoral students Bubeshova M. S., Dzhabarkulova S. K., Orynbayeva A. D and magistrants Basharova S. S., Besembayeva D. E. and Yersayynova A. B. the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical business passing pedagogical practice.
Doctoral students and undergraduates conduct practical and practical classes in the following disciplines: "Management and marketing of pharmaceuticals", "Effective communications in pharmacy", "Economics of the pharmaceutical industry", "Pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical information in the drug circulation system", etc.
The purpose of the professional teaching practice is to form a system of professional competencies, practical skills and teaching methods for doctoral and master students, and prepare them for performing the functions of a teacher. The scope of teaching practice is determined by the State Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, terms-by the approved academic calendar and individual work plan for doctoral and master students.
Pedagogical practice is an important part of the training of highly qualified specialists, is conducted on the basis of SKMA JSC, and is aimed at consolidating and expanding the knowledge gained in the course of theoretical training in doctoral and master's programs.

19.03.2024, 17:40