"About the internship in the organization of pharmaceutical activities within the framework of academic mobility in the Republic of Belarus"

Within the framework of the academic mobility program from 12.01 to 25.01.2023, low-income students went to the production practice "Organization of pharmaceutical activities" on the basis of the Vitebsk State Medical University, with the head of the Utegenovoy practice G. I., associate professor of the Department of oufd
1. Kydyralieva Aida Mukhtarovna B-FKA-02-21
2. Kalen Timur Rakhmatullaevich B-FKA-01-21
3. Rano Usmanova V FO-03-21

The best pharmacies and pharmacy warehouses of the city of Vitebsk were provided for practical training. The bases of practice were: pharmacy No. 49 SUE "Pharmacy", state pharmacy of category 2 No. 79, pharmacy warehouse "Vit-Var", factory for the production of medicines LLC "Rubicon".
The practice took place in accordance with the developed schedule. The content of the practice corresponds to the joint program on the practice of "Organization of pharmaceutical activities" developed by the teaching staff of the departments of the OEF of VSMU and OFD of the UCMA.
During the internship, students got acquainted with and gained practical skills in prescription drugs, students compared drug services in two countries, the effect of orders. We got acquainted with the rules for the release of medicines that are subject to quantitative accounting, storage of toxic and narcotic medicines.

At the largest pharmacy warehouse "Vit-Var", students received practical skills in receiving goods, laying out goods on shelves, familiarized themselves with the procedure for maintaining and controlling the temperature regime in the warehouse premises, and collected goods according to pharmacy invoices. We got acquainted with the storage of thermolabile preparations in the warehouse and the quarantine zone

We visited an accredited control and analytical laboratory and got acquainted with the laboratory of cellular technologies at VSMU.

In the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian pharmaceutical enterprises produce more than 1,300 types of medicines. The main manufacturers of medicines in Belarus are: Belmedpreparaty, Rubicon, Borimed, Farmland, Lekpharm and others. The Belarusian pharmaceutical market is constantly saturated due to the development and release of drugs as part of the implementation of the State Import Substitution Program. The consumption of medicines in the Republic of Belarus per capita is the highest in comparison with the CIS countries and is second only to the Russian Federation.
The students visited the factory for the production of medicines of Rubicon LLC, got acquainted with the structure of the enterprise, the equipment for the sterile manufacture of medicines, the technological process for the manufacture of ointments, suppositories and sprays. They reviewed the process of packaging and labeling of manufactured products

During the visit, within the framework of cultural and educational events, we got acquainted with the city, visited the art museum, the Museum of VSMU, the M. Chagall ART Center, etc.

In the museum of the famous artist Marc Chagall


At the end of the internship, students took the dif.credit of the commission at the Department of the OMPhB.

01.02.2024, 17:08