About internship of the 3rd year students of the faculty pharmaceutics in KSMA named . I.K. Akhunbay va Bishkek

In order to implement the academic mobility of students, the exchange of experience between the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbayev and JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy", 3rd year students from 12.01-25.01.2023 had an internship in the Organization of pharmaceutical activities at the bases of KSMU: Nezvanova Ekaterina, Sarsenbaeva Feruza, Urinbaeva Jasmin, Kuntuganov Maulitnabiy, Shymyr Bekarys (head of Utegenova G.I., PhD of the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business of SKMA).

For having quality internship, the department of the Department of Pharmacy Economics and Drug Technology provided the best pharmacies and pharmacy warehouses in Bishkek. The practice bases were: a pharmacy and a pharmacy warehouse of Neman LLC, a warehouse and a pharmacy of Bimed-Pharm LLC, a production pharmacy of PE Dzhabaeva. Pharmacy 401”, hospital pharmacy of the Children's Infectious Diseases Hospital.

For the exchange of experience in the development of the pharmaceutical market of Kyrgyzstan, the head of the Department of UEF and TL, D.pharm.n., Professor K.S. Cholponbaev gave a lecture to students on the topic: "Development of the pharmaceutical market and pharmaceutical education in the Kyrgyz Republic". In turn, G.I. Utegenova emphasized the peculiarities of the development of the Kazakh pharmaceutical market, touched upon the issues of teaching students at the Faculty of Pharmacy.

G.I.Utegenova held a master class for residents, teaching staff of the department "Proper pharmacy practice GPP: from theory to practice".
At the end practice, students passed a differentiated test of commission formed from teachers of KSMA and SKMA.
The awarding is certificates to SKMA students.

30.01.2023, 17:04