About ethics of scientific research and principles of project management in healthcare

A seminar for doctoral students and students of master’s degree on the topic “Organization and conduct of scientific research in healthcare” has been completed at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.

The deputy Chairman of the board Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management "Republican Center for Healthcare Development" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RCHD), Doctor of Medical Sciences Vitaly Koikov, lecturer of the seminar, believes that in a rapidly developing world, the process of civilized transformation is undergoing in medicine and healthcare. Medicine is becoming qualitatively different, not only more technologically equipped, but also more sensitive to the legal and ethical aspects of healing. And that is why it is so important to know the criteria where "it is good to apply" and where "the experiment should be postponed until better times".

The learners got acquainted with new approaches to the regulation of biomedical research adopted within the framework of the new Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On public health and the Healthcare System", with the standards of good practices in conducting biomedical research: QPBR, GLP, GLP, GCLP, as well as scientific and research programs on funding sources, on finding and attracting grants from domestic and foreign grant-giving funds, project management, problem statement, definition of goals and objectives, methodology and design of a research project, providing a project work plan in the form of a PERT chart and in the form of a Gantt chart (Microsoft Project).
Master’s students drew attention to scientific ethics, which determines both the ethics of the content, procedures for conducting scientific research and their consequences for humanity, doctoral students expressed gratitude to the organizers of the seminar and lecturer V.V. Koikov for the content of each day’s training, the breadth of the studied issues.
On the day of awarding certificates on behalf of the university administration, the following speakers were: Vice-rector, Professor M.M.Yesirkepov, B.K.Nurmashev, Head of the Department of Scientific and Clinical Work, PhD doctoral and master's programs A.A. Zhaksylyk. They noted that this seminar improves the students' qualifications in the basics of ethics of scientific research, mastering the skills of organizing scientific research in accordance with international standards, since they will have to write articles based on the results of scientific research.

15.11.2021, 18:14