A student Timur Amanbayev recived award of the scholarship from the Branch of the Kazakhstan Industry Trade Union of Health Workers

The the Branch of the Kazakhstan Industry Trade Union of Health Workers held a competition among students of medical universities of the country for awarding scholarships to the trade union. Timur Amanbayev, a student of the specialty "General Medicine" of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, became the owner of the nominal scholarship "For excellent studies and conscientious work in the trade union". The diploma of the scholarship was presented by the chairman of the union of medical workers of Shymkent R.S.Agniazova.
Since 2016, T.Amanbayev has been actively participating in events held within the walls of the Academy and among the student youth of Shymkent, in particular, during inter-faculty and inter-course "Intellectual Olympiads", disputes, debates and city competitions. Together with a group of student activists, he contributed to the formation of a new student organization of the Association of Medical Students of Kazakhstan. Currently, he is a member of the Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health, including HIV and AIDS, and is also a member of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Education Department “Sanaly Urpaq” in Shymkent.
T.Amanbayev was awarded with medal "The best student of the CIS countries-2021" from the association "Bobek".
It remains to add that the scholarship was awarded on a competitive basis, the conditions of which were excellent academic performance in the academic year, participation in the student scientific community, in the activities of the trade union organization, as well as in recreational, cultural and sports events. 40 applicants took part in the competitive selection.
We congratulate Timur Amanbayev on a new victory. We wish you excellent studies and all the best!

16.10.2021, 17:03