A special event dedicated to December 1st – the Day of the First President

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On 30th November, 2016 there was held a special event dedicated to December 1st – the Day of the First President. This event was organized by Youth Policy Department and Students’ Alliance of SKSPhA. The event began with festive parting words of vice-rector for scientific and clinical work B.K. Nurmashev who noted the integrated policy of Nation’s Leader and focused on our achievements.

Y.K. Salim, a chairman of the trade union committee congratulated the colleagues who have contributed to the life of the Academy and awarded cash rewards. B. Abdikulov, a student of the specialty “General Medicine”, made a presentation about the life and work of Nation’ s Leader and made a report on this subject. Students organized a concert at the end of this event, K. Iemberdiyev, a poet and a student of our Academy, read his own poem dedicated to the Day of the First President.

Youth Policy Department

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04.12.2016, 22:09