A seminar for teaching staff and students of SKSU, dedicated to the following issues measles and flu

On 05.12.2023, at the invitation of the leadership of the South Kazakhstan State University, the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology held a seminar on measles and influenza. The holding of this seminar among students and teaching staff of the SKSU was due to the seasonal development of the epidemiological situation for infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets (measles, influenza). The seminar was attended by faculty and students of the IP-22-4k1, IP-22-4tk1,2, IP-22-9k,10k, IP-22-4p, IP-22-2k groups of the Department of Energy and Non- traditional energy systems.

There were reports:
1. "Measles – causes, ways of infection, symptoms, prevention." Lecturer: Acting associate professor of the department, PhD Zhuzzhasarova A.A.

2."Measles – causes, ways of transmission, symptoms and preventive measures". Lecturer: resident of the first year of training on the specialty "infectious diseases (infectious diseases)" Turganbek A.D.

3. Influenza, epidemiology, signs and symptoms, prevention. Assistants of the department: Auzhanov S.P., Bektan B. E.

At the end of the seminar, teaching staff and students were asked questions about the CCP vaccine, wearing disposable masks, sneezing and coughing in a public place, rehabilitation measures after infectious diseases, to which the lecturers answered and showed practical examples. The faculty and students thanked the lecturers for such informative reports and invited them to speak at the following seminars on other infectious diseases.

11.01.2024, 10:25