"A national consent – pledge of future world"

On February 03, 2015 at 15.00 in the big assembly hall of academy for faculty and students and at the organization of deans of faculty, department of educational work and chairs of  Russian, within performance of an assignment on the organization and carrying out synchrony – actions the festive event on the subject "National Consent — Pledge of Future World" was held.

Representatives of republican and local mass media were invited to covering of a festive event (Television "Otyrar", "Aygak", newspapers "Southern Kazakhstan", "Aygak") took part. In this action the chairman of the interethnic cultural center "Yntymak"  Tolepova  Gaukhar Ualikhankyzy, the representative of the Korean cultural center Yugay Yury Borisovich.


09.02.2015, 16:53