A literary and creative evening was held "Okyrmany bar akyn, bakytty akyn"

On September 23, 2022 in small conference-hall of the Academy the department on social issues and youth policy together with Turkestan regional children's library named after Y. Altynsarin Literary Evening with poet, writer, member of the International Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Kazakhstan Pedagogical Academy Abilsapar Turgunbaev on the theme: "Okyrmany bar akyn, bakytty akyn" was held.
The evening was attended by students of the Academy and the staff of Turkestan Regional Children's Library named after Y.Altynsarin. The event began with a song "Yerke sylkym" performed by dombrists from "Nur Shashu" circle, continued with recitation of the poet's poems and a video "Akynynyn Ulyqtagan el bakytty".

O. Seydanov, Acting Director of Turkestan Regional Children's Library named after Y. Altynsarin, presented a letter of appreciation to Salim E., Head of Social Issues and Youth Policy Department, and expressed the opinion that they were enriched spiritually and had a special experience of the evening.

23.09.2022, 18:20