A conference dedicated to the International Tuberculosis Day was held at the Department of Phthisiopulmonology and Radiology of the South-Kazakhstan Medical Academies

On March 17, 2022, the Department of Phthisiopulmonology and Radiology held a conference on the topic "Tuberculosis problems in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic", dedicated to the International Tuberculosis Day. At the end of the conference, the opening speech was delivered by the head of the department, Candidate of Medical Sciences Lazzat Tatibekovna Kasayeva, and associate professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Aigul Orynbasarovna Sergazina, assistant, radiologist of the highest category Seitova Alua Agitaevna. The conference was attended by the faculty of the department, resident pulmonologists and radiologists of the first year of study, interns of general medical practice, doctors of the Regional Center of Phthisiopulmology.

The following residents made presentations at the conference:
1. Nabatbek A.D. "Difficulties in diagnosing tuberculosis during the COVID-19 pandemic".
2. Maulenov M. S. "Post-covid syndrome in pulmonological practice".
3. Altynbek A. K. "New opportunities in the diagnosis of tuberculosis".
4. Zhapatai Zh. A. "Features of tuberculosis treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic".
5. Kulpieva A. N. "Difficulties in diagnosing tuberculosis in children and adolescents".
6. Atabai S. "Radiosimiotics of chest lesions in COVID-19".
During the conference, issues on the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults and children were discussed, specific recommendations were given, feedback was provided to the audience. The participants vigorously discussed the materials of the reports, asked questions, and shared their opinions.
The conference was held at the proper level.

01.04.2022, 17:16