80% of the staff of the Institute of Forensic Examinations in Shymkent are graduates of SKMA. Or how was the signing of the contract

Today, in the small hall of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, an agreement was signed with the Institute of Forensic Examinations in Shymkent the branch of the Center for Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Opening the meeting, rector, professor M.M. Rysbekov noted the importance of the signed document in the light of the published September Message of the President of Kazakhstan K.Tokaev "A just state. One nation. A prosperous society", where the state's support for domestic healthcare is clearly spelled out, a special role is assigned to the training of medical personnel.
Acting Director of the branch of the Center for Forensic Examinations the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ulugbek Ariphanov stressed the need for expanded cooperation at the bachelor's, master's, residency levels to train future specialists in the field of forensic medical examination, that there is a need to introduce a course on forensic medical examination at the Faculty of Medicine, where at first the leading teachers will be medical experts of the highest categories of the center. U.R.Amirkhanov also shared his idea to come out with proposals to the akimat of the city of Shymkent on granting grants to the best applicants who wished to work in the centers of forensic medical examination and study at the SKMA in the future. He also added that he was proud to be a graduate of SKMA, that 80 percent of the Center's full-time employees also graduated from the Academy.

The head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Ph.D., Professor S.K.Ordabayeva noted that graduates of the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the SKMA who have completed a full course of training in the disciplines of forensic medical examination, including mandatory and elictive subjects, practical training, are gladly invited to the forensic laboratories of Kazakhstan. And those who graduated from the university earlier are thanked for a full-fledged education. This is a kind of feature of the academy, a brand, since the interest of colleagues from CIS countries, centers and laboratories in equipping the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of the SKMA does not disappear to this day.
The Sites signed a document and agreed to promote educational programs on the course of forensic medical examination through the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, interested departmental structures.
The meeting was attended by: vice-chancellor M.U.Anartayeva, heads of departments S.K.Ordabayeva, A.Sh.Sadykova, Dean of the postgraduate faculty A.A.Zhaksylyk, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy G.Zh. Umurzakhova, editor of the scientific journal R.A.Shaimerdenova and others.

20.09.2022, 17:29