64th Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Health

On April 12-13, 2022, the 64th Scientific-Practical Conference "Science and Health", organized by Semipalatinsk Medical University, was held, dedicated to the "Day of Science". The conference was held among medical universities of the republic.
Opening the conference with a welcoming speech, Rector of Semipalatinsk Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Altai Duysipov noted the invaluable importance of science for the development of society, progress, development and implementation of innovative technologies, and wished all participants fruitful work, high results and new achievements.
Then the conference continued with a plenary session, which was attended by Elkhan Pernebekov, a fourth-year student of our educational institution.
The conference was supervised by the faculty of the Departments of Public Health, Pharmacology, General Practice-2. Amanbaev Timur, a 6-year student of our educational institution, was awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree, Yerden Yerden, a 3-year student, was awarded the 1st degree diploma, Elkhan Pernebekov, a 4-year student was awarded the 1st degree diploma at the plenary session, Meirbek Zhalgas, a 3-year student, was awarded the 3rd degree diploma, as well as Alimbay Abzal was awarded the 2nd degree diploma.

We heartily congratulate the best and most active students of our academy!!!


18.05.2022, 09:33