4th International Meeting of the Steering Group (GPI) on the Erasmus+ LMQS project

From November 6 to 10, 2023, a working meeting of partners from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, France, and Greece took place within the framework of the Erasmus+ LMQS project based on Nakhichevan State University.
Kazakhstan was represented by five HEIs: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Faculty of Medicine), Kazakh National Medical University, South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Kokshetau State University (Faculty of Medicine), and Kazakh-Russian Medical University. Each partner university presented reports on current results, purchase of equipment, and completed internships. Universities provided information on quality improvement plans, indicators and quality criteria for evaluating educational programs. Partner universities also presented the didactic cyberspace (electronic resources) of each Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan universities.
The needs for support, training and resources were reported for the inclusion of a new training proposal in this space within the framework of the project.
The University of Western Attica (Greece) presented a standard procedure model for a double degree agreement. The meeting program has been fully implemented, and the subsequent international conference of the steering group (GPI) is scheduled for the spring of next year based on the Kazakh University.

14.11.2023, 16:17