Youth of SKSPhA continue to carry out the action "Health Festival- 2016 "

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On 09.06.2016 in the territory of "MEGA of the center" the action was carried out. The purpose of its carrying out– promotion among the population of keeping a healthy lifestyle and acquaintance with interesting materials on healthcare. In this regard, members of the academic youth center "Bolashaк", Department of youth policy and the center of youth health of SKSPhA under the motto "We are for a Healthy Lifestyle!" actively participated in the action and distributed informative materials in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

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In the same day in the gym of SKSPhA under the direction of physical training course and activists of sports club "Barys" competitions in chess among students are held. Winners of regional competition in chess which passed in May today have shown their skills.

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09.06.2016, 03:52