X Congress of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan, V congress of therapists of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On 6-8 of June, 2018 in Almaty, was held the Xth Congress of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan, V congress of therapists of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the WHO Alma-Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care. The forum was attended by head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases Kauzbai Zh.A. and head of the department of emergency medical care Seydakhmetov AA.

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President of the Association of Physicians of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Seisembekov T.Z. noted the role of therapists as the main category of physicians in PHC. Satellite symposia, master classes with participation of leading experts in the field of interventional cardiology were held.

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The forum participants worked by sections:

•  Cardiology

•  Heart and diabetes

•  Pulmonology

•  Prevention and treatment of venous and arterial thrombosis

•  Cardiosurgery

•  Rheumatology and Nephrology

•  Prevention and organization of therapeutic services, balneology and medical rehabilitation

•  Clinical Pharmacology

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Kauzbay Zh.A. made a presentation on the topic: «Influence of meteorological factors on the course of arterial hypertension in different regions of Kazakhstan ".

07.06.2018, 07:01