“World week of proper antibiotics use”

On November 20, 2015 there was interacademic student scientific and practical conference dedicated to “World week of proper antibiotics use” on the basis of the Department of Infectious diseases and Dermatology of SKSPhA and IKTU named after Kh.A.Yasavi.

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At the conference there were presented 10 thematic reports about the history of antibiotics, rational use of antibiotics in medical practice. There were played intellectual games and there were demonstrated videofilms about antibiotics, problems of antibiotic resistance and new generation of ecoantibiotics.

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The following groups took part in the conference: internship doctors of the groups 614-615, residents - pediatricians of the groups 204, 205, 206, the 5th year students of the major “Public health” (groups 507, 502, 510, 511, 503, 505, 506) and college students of the groups 301- 302.

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The following students were awarded for the best reports, the best posters and their active participation: Sh. Yestemes, S.Sultanova, A. Zhunis, M. Babanazarova, students of the group 302- Zh. Smanova, Kh. Zhandarbekova, S. Sultanova, G. Tuymebayeva. Also there were awarded some prizes to active participants from the audience.

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24.11.2015, 22:46