On 29 October 2018 professors and teachers of SKMA Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychology in collaboration with Neurologists of Regional clinical hospital conducted a Doors Open Day related to primary and secondary prevention, diagnostics and treatment of brain vascular diseases. 114 residents of Shymkent city and Turkestan region were given consultations. The majority of the diseased suffered from Arterial hypertension and thus had chronic failure of brain blood circulation. Every patient received individual recommendations on prevention, diagnostics and treatment of stroke and explanations on its clinical manifestations, as well as the importance of timely visit to the doctor when the symptoms are noticed.

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Also, patients who had had an acute failure of brain blood circulation were recommended on secondary prevention of stroke and prescribed with drug and non-drug rehabilitation measures. Since stroke is a multi-discipline problem, patients were sent to consult other specialists: ergotherapist, kinesitherapist, physiotherapist and acupuncture therapist.

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30.10.2018, 23:45